Sunday, December 1, 2019

Photojournal: What Happens in Bandung, Stays in Bandung

Perjalanan ke Bandung minggu ini super dadakan; memutuskan ikut ke Bandung h-2 sebelum hari keberangkatan. Booking tickets, booking hotel, all in a rush. But I ended up feeling happy and content, thanks to Erika's mom and dad! Dan tentunya, makasih juga untuk Erika. Berasa dikasih hadiah liburan. Mungkin benar kata Oddie, "lebih baik rehat sejenak kalau tubuh dan otak sudah tidak dalam kondisi baik." Well, I get freshened up now!

Menghabiskan dua hari dan satu malam di Bandung sepertinya tidak akan pernah cukup karena banyak sekali tempat yang bisa dikunjungi. Meskipun setiap kali saya bertandang ke kota ini, rasa deg-degannya masih sama hahaha. Like there is always a weird sensation every time I come to this city—mau seberapa sering saya ke sini.

Selama di Bandung, kami menginap di Summerbird Bed and Brasserie, sebuah boutique hotel yang menggabungkan beberapa gaya dekor sekaligus, dari rustic, vintage, hingga scandinavian. It feels so homey! Oh, it also has a nice selection of food for breakfast.

Oh iya, sesaat setelah sampai hotel di siang hari, saya pesan nasi pedas komplit Kang Emen di daerah Paskal lewat Go-Food. Asli enak banget mau nangis. Kayaknya itu akan jadi makanan favorit saya di Bandung deh (barusan saya sempat cek Instagram @kang.emen ternyata ada cabang di Bekasi juga!)

Di hari pertama, kami menyempatkan diri ke Chinatown dan Braga Street. Tapi karena baru keluar hotel jam 8 malam, jadinya kami hanya sebentar saja di Chinatown. Kalau mau ke sana, ada baiknya sore hari. Soalnya untuk weekdays, Chinatown tutup jam 9 malam. Di Braga Street, kami juga sempat nongkrong di Kopi Toko Djawa sampai tutup! 

Esok harinya, saya niat mau ke One Eighty Coffee saja sambil baca buku untuk nunggu Ovin, sepupu saya, dan Erika. Tapi kok ya setelah saya lihat parkirannya ramai banget. Akhirnya melipirlah saya kesebrangnya, kampus ITB. Seru juga jalan-jalan sendiri di kampus orang. The first time I landed my feet on ITB was five years ago—saat Pasar Seni 2014. Nggak sabar di 2020, kata sepupu saya, Pasar Seni akan ada lagi! Oh iya, please check Ovin (Divina Ariadini) portfolio here. She's THAT good in drawing illustration and manga. She just graduated from DKV ITB but she's already got a lot of experiences! You should contact her if you need one.

Anyway, ketika saya di kampus dan berkamuflase di sana, I randomly chatted my old friend who used to be a student there and asked him where I was by sending the 22nd picture of this post hahaha. Turned out, he guessed it right! Well, I guess someone is very familiar with his place. I don't know why but I always tend to associate him with that campus or Bandung and that could be the reason why I chatted him randomly—if you somehow read this post, hi, A! :)

Satu hal yang saya perhatikan, di sana banyak kucing. Sampai saya tanya ke sepupu saya dan jawabannya adalah, "iya, banyak. Dan bisa aja ada mahasiswa lagi buru-buru ke kelas tapi pas ngeliat kucing, mereka berhenti dulu ngelus-ngelus kucing." And it happens in front of my eyes where I was there! So I was like, wow this is interesting.

Sebelum kami pulang, kami berhenti di destinasi terakhir, Se'i Sapi Lamalera. If you love spicy, just go with se'i sapi and sambal lu'at. Jangan lupa pesan teh pandannya ya!


Friday, November 8, 2019

Her on My Mind

Jakarta, 2013.

I am not lying that I miss being at home. I miss living in Sukatani where I can easily meet and catch up with people whom I consider as my forever person. Friends who always ask me whether I am at home or not every time the holiday comes. Oh, sure I miss them a lot.

But I can't imagine myself living in a place I used to call home. Living with her under one roof. It's not that I don't want to. It's just... I guess I need to adapt again. After five years of living apart, I should get used to it. And it's not easy.

One time she asked me, "Give me your honest opinion about me. About my parenting style." I couldn't answer directly. I took some time. I was on the verge of tears. I was about to cry. All the things that happened in my teenage years started to flashback. But then I choked up.

"Well, you've changed. For the better." I answered.

"You were so demanding back then. A little bit harsh. When something didn't happen the way you want it to be, you're upset. To us, your kids. You weren't that emotionally supportive." I continued 

"You didn't really like when we have different opinions/ideas. I guess you're not that open-minded. You hated debates, you hated discussion." Again, I continued.

"But I guess, you've changed now. Knowing that you're not upset when Anovmy brotherjust got 2.90 for his first GPA. You're more calm and relaxed."

"Yah, dulu kan ada Papah. Jadi peran bisa dibagi dua." I was surprised by her answer.

"Wah, bahaya juga ya kalau Papah masih ada sampai sekarang. Mamah bakalan tetap kayak dulu." I just can't help.

If I looked back to the old-time, sure, almost all the time my Father held the "supporting" part. The nice guy part. I remember he came to my room at midnight because he heard me crying.

I cried because I didn't get the school she wanted. She kept silent and didn't talk to me for weeks.

I was hurt. Not only because of her actions but also when I was at a point where I really need support especially from her, I got nothing. I made my parents disappointed with me and I felt bad about myself. Thinking that I'll never be enough.

But there was him, the one who kept saying everything will be alright and that's okay.

Just when I thought she has changed, suddenly our topic moved into politic. I didn't even know how it started.

Oh, I remember!

It's when out of the blue she showed me a video where a leader of a political party persuades people to "makan babi" after the election. "Tuh, Kak, masa kamu support yang kayak gini?" she said. Later that I know it's just a hoax.

I told her I am amazed by how the youth now massively take part in politic to fight the corruption and the intolerance, just like this party did. I told her this before that video accident happen.

She then threw her phone furiously, angrily to bed when I couldn't agree with her idea. I was aghast. Sorry to say this, but politic is evil. It shouldn't be around family. Screw you politicians who use fear and anger as your power!

It's not that I am a fanatic, but I just don't like it when someone is treated unfairly. Hanya karena dia siapa, agamanya apa, atau siapa orang di belakangnya.

Still upset, she then continued, "untuk masalah yang kayak gini, Mamah tegas ya, kak."

I wonder what kind of problem is that? Is it about our different political views or is it about religion? For many times she told me that we have to choose a Moslem leader, but my question was, what's our president's religion again? Isn't the same with our religion? 

Setiap orang bebas untuk memilih dan mempunyai keyakinan politiknya." This is what I believe. But I guess, I should let this go. I am actually not free.

Because parent's choice > “Setiap orang bebas untuk memilih dan mempunyai keyakinan politiknya."

We always think that there's an unconditional love out there between parents to their children. Parental love. Let me tell you something: dead this lie.

I read this somewhere: "Queer kids can't come out to their parents. Non-religious kids have to fake their parents' religion. Parents love what they project on their kids and get angry when they don't live up to them."

I second that not because I am a queer or non-religious kid, because I am not. But because it's true that most of the time it happens to us; kids. To me, personally, and it creates a childhood trauma I might say.

A trauma that creates distress. A trauma that causes me to think that I'll never be good enough because I haven't met certain standards.

I am still trying to overcome these past traumatic experiences, hoping that one day I can successfully make peace with it.

People might think that I'm a selfish, ignorant, and ungrateful kid, well, they might be true. But that doesn't mean I don't love her. This piece of writing doesn't define that I hate her, because I don't.

As a person, she's a great one. A strong woman figure that I personally look up to. A hard-working, unyielding, inspiring person. A selfless one also. She will do anything for her kids. After losing her husband, she took over a company that she never had an idea about it before. But as a fast learner, she continuously does great and greater.

And I love her despite our differences on almost everything.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Photojournal: Playing Tourist in Semarang

I have been living in Semarang for five years and never have I ever played a tourist before. Like a real tourist in a day. It wasn't until Memel came here. Thanks to her, saya bisa 'belagak' turis di kota sendiri.

Bermodalkan satu hari saja untuk berkeliling Kota Semarang dengan berbagai landmarksnya, akhirnya kami berhasil mengunjungi tujuh destinasi. Mulai dari Klenteng Sam Poo Kong, Lawang Sewu, Kota Lama, Semarang Art Gallery, hingga mencicipi makanan serta dessert di Soto Bangkong dan Gelato Matteo. Oh, tak lupa juga mendatangi Bandeng Juwana sebagai tempat pemberhentian terakhir untuk membeli oleh-oleh. Sebenarnya, kami ingin sekali makan lekker Paimo, apalagi Memel belum pernah coba. Tapi sayangnya, ketika kami ke sana sudah tutup. Entah karena memang hari Minggu lekker Paimo tutup atau memang kita terlalu sore saja datangnya.

Anyway, Kota Lama jadi bagus banget sekarang setelah direnovasi! Semakin tourist friendly dan nyaman untuk pejalan kaki. Kata bapak Grabcar yang mengantar kami, setiap Jumat-Minggu malam selalu ada car free night. Cuma karena sudah harus mengejar penerbangan jam 9 malam, jadinya kami tidak sampai malam di Kota Lama. 

Sebelum pulang, Memel sempat bilang, "duh gue nggak mau pulang". Lalu saya tanya kenapa. Katanya, "gue senang aja jadi turis". Ya siapa sih yang tidak senang menjadi turis? Datang ke kota atau tempat baru, being a stranger in one place, lalu bisa bertemu dan melakukan hal-hal baru. 

Tapi sejujurnya, omongan Memel membuat saya berpikir. Harusnya saya bisa lebih bersyukur tinggal di satu kota yang bukan jadi tempat kelahiran saya. Saya bisa saja jadi turis setiap hari di sini jika ingin. Tapi nyatanya, saya nggak lakukan. Mungkin karena sudah terbiasa dan enggan menggunakan 'kacamata' yang baru untuk melihat sekitar. Or I just simply take all the things for granted?

Well, don't we all?
