This post is dedicated to every one who takes a role in my life; families, friends, and the one who still gives me a chance to live; The God Almighty Allah SWT.
I know this post is way too late, karena sebenarnya gue udah punya rencana untuk nulis ini dari bulan Maret, tepat saat umur gue bertambah menjadi 20 tahun.
For me, age 20 is like a turning point; a point when something begins to change and which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment.
And that is why I believe everything in this life could change so fast after this. Baik itu dari diri gue sendiri yang berubah, orang - orang sekitar gue, atau pun lingkungan gue sendiri. And hopefully, gue, mereka, dan sekeliling gue berubah menjadi lebih baik.
Gue juga percaya bahwa rintangan dan tantangan akan semakin banyak kedepannya, but well, I still believe that I can pass all those things though.
For me, age 20 is like a turning point; a point when something begins to change and which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment.
And that is why I believe everything in this life could change so fast after this. Baik itu dari diri gue sendiri yang berubah, orang - orang sekitar gue, atau pun lingkungan gue sendiri. And hopefully, gue, mereka, dan sekeliling gue berubah menjadi lebih baik.
Gue juga percaya bahwa rintangan dan tantangan akan semakin banyak kedepannya, but well, I still believe that I can pass all those things though.
Nikita in her 20s. Ps: actually this photo wasn't taken on my birthday :p |
The better and finer evolves and changes in me nggak serta merta terjadi begitu aja, it was produced by the helps of people around me. And that is why I write this post to people I love to say thank you.
Dear my families,
baik itu untuk Mamah, Adek, Papah (hey, Pah! Your daughter miss you so much here) dan keluarga lainnya, thank you for always support me, love me, accept me the way I am, and trust me. I love you, a lot.
Dear my friends,
thank you for staying, even sometimes, this girl is causing irritation and annoys you. But you have to know and understand, I love you this much and this big.
And dear God,
thank you for giving me a chance to live, thank you for this beautiful life. and thank you for sending me people to love. Thank you for it all.
Here goes the people who took a part and made my day on March 30th, 2016--even some occasion didn't happen on that day, but still I appreciate. A lot.
A sweet cake from sweet people, Efril and Arni. Makasih udah gedar gedor pintu kosan di pagi hari! |
"Mbak, kalian kembar ya?" selalu ditanya begini pas lagi sama this girl, Erika. Thanks a lot Bokumi super cutenya! |
My favorite changing people, Tian! Makasih loh Yan udah upload foto gue di Instagram lo. Padahal kan susah ya masuk ke sana kalau bukan artis? |
Rania dan Aida, makasih ya udah pura - pura pinjem kosan buat sholat padahal yang punya belum sampe kosan. |
Butuh usaha ekstra untuk foto begini karena self-timer. |
Surprise ternorak! Sebel! Karena pakai telor. Untung kalian semua juga kena. Thanks ya cabe - cabeku dan teman kalau butuhku! |
Celebrating our birthday! Thank you Khol and Ich for made this for us. Tac, Fay, Och, and Niki were happy. So much love for you! Even after this there was a hassle HAHAHA LOVE U |
The definition of "our birthday" |
Bukan Maba Lagi! |
Majlis Ta'lim kesukaan! Minus Sulthan! Thanks a lot yang-udah-bukan-majlis-ta'lim-lagi :p |
My world's greatest friend, Gigih! Thank you for the gifts and the letter. Terharu mau nangis aja bacanya. |
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The super awesome wakadep kreatif yang ide banget bikin begini, thank you Kukuh! Dan The Rookies yang udah ngucapin satu - satu pakai gambar beda warna latarnya! |
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, I could not ask for more.
And for people who aren't on the pictures and your names aren't mentioned, that doesn't mean I don't love you or forget you. No. I thank you a lot and I am grateful to have all of you.
"Starting today, I need to forget what's gone. Appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next."
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