Tuesday, July 23, 2019

About Power of Powerlessness: #AATuesdayLoveLetters

I might say that I am not in the best condition right now; feeling demotivated, down, anxious, stressed, and sad all the time. So many things should be done and going on but I can't keep myself on track. I feel like I am losing myself more and more. I feel so powerless.

Until Tuesday morning when an e-mail suddenly popped-up in my inbox. It was Aida Azlin's Tuesday Love Letter. I have been subscribing her love letter this year and today's love letter successfully slapped me right on my face. It was about the power of powerlessness. It talked about me!

We tend to forget that sometimes we do not have much strength and power to figure everything out. We act as if we can figure everything out without any helps. We act like we are so big in this world while we actually are small.

So here they are, some words that I would like to keep to myselfto remind me that it is okay to be powerless. That you are not alone. That you always have Him in this life to go through anything.
